Wednesday, April 6, 2011

V for Vendetta by Alan Moore


PixelPanda said...

The graphic novel, V for Vendetta, by Alan Moore explores the thin line of the difference between a society that cares about the safety of the people and a totalitarian state like the one England adopts in V for Vendetta. The book tells the tale of how after a new world war that resulted in the loss of freedom for the people who survive when they flock to a fascist group described as, ”The right-wingers. They’d all got together with some of the big corporations that had survived. ‘Norsefire’ they called themselves.” (28) So that there can be a sense of normality back in the country. The problem is that they gave too much power to ‘Norsefire’ and they took control of everything. Alan Moore is trying to tell us that this could be our future; there is a thin line between where we are and the possible results of us losing our control of our lives and giving it to a government so that we can feel a sense of security.

PixelPanda said...

Why does Alan Moore have the leader care so much about England?
Why are the police so corrupt?
Is Evey a hero?
Is V a villain?